Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Little List

Things that have happened since I last posted:

1. Japan fell through because the director of the program said there would be no way for me to find a job there and I would be super lonely. That´s about the time I said, "I´m out!"

2. Booked tickets to Rome for Easter Week and then I couldn´t sleep because I of my excitement to go to Italy.

3. Cooked some super yummy foods such as: White Bean and Cabbage Soup, Vegetarian Chili and Blue Cheese and Mushroom Fettuccini.

4. Came to the full realization that I adore traveling and want to spend the rest of my life doing so.

5. Dressed up as a hippie and painted Andy as a skeleton to attend a rockin´Carnival party a week later than Carnival which meant we recieved a number of very confused looks on the bus ride.

6. Started a new painting in my favorite color of all time: purple!

7. Decided to stay in Palma until August but have yet to bite the bullet and pay the fee to change the plane ticket.

8. Went and layed out on the beach on a mildly warm day and day-dreamed of Mallorcan summer.

9. Hosted some super awesome couchsurfers.

10. Took up jogging/walking on the boardwalk and fell in love with living on the med. all over again!

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