Thursday, March 19, 2009

On this Thursday Afternoon, A List:

1. After 45 minutes on the phone and a great deal of whining, I finally changed our plane tickets to August 8th. I fought for a waiver of the $300 service charge because they added a leg through Chicago to our flight and I failed on that account but I did manage to wrangle a landing in Portland instead of Seattle. I am satisfied.

2. I had a pretty wonderful class with the terrible 3rd graders. The school finally split the class into two classes with 10 students each so it's so much more manageable. They are re-learning how to behave in a classroom so it's slow going but everyday I see progress.

3. Last week, one of my students asked if I was pregnant and the next day the four year old I babysit told me my tummy was "a bit fat." Geez louis. I think I need to cut back on the baguettes I'm eating. Or just teach these kids some manners! I definitely do NOT look pregnant though. FYI.

4. I had a lovely time watching Terminator 2 at our Mallorquin friend Irene's apartment on Friday night.

5. We decided for sure that Portland is our destination next year and now I am day dreaming about a future apartment where Andy and I will live together without roommates for the very first time.

6. My student loan grace period ended on March 4th. Ugh.

7. I started a new tutee and she is three! It was a rough first half an hour because she wouldn't leave her mom's lap but by the end we were playing with paddles and balls and giggling up a storm.

8. The sun has been out consistently and thus my spirits have been soaring.

9. This weekend there is a classic car rally around the island so I am hoping we can watch a leg of it. We're also having a spring party at our flat on Saturday so I will be sure to write about that after. I need to think more about the menu . . .

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