Thursday, March 12, 2009

Realization! Yes!

So after a lot of soul searching and a fair amount of research I think I've decided I'm not ready to move to Korea to teach English next year. I actually didn't discover this fact until I was chatting with Jill last night after babysitting her kids. I was explaining the pros and cons and I ended up explaining that I think I would really like to go home and pursue formal teaching training before I commit to a full year of teaching/lesson planning/managing a classroom. The experience I've gained here in Spain has been tremendous but I still feel like if I want to be a valuable teacher then I could really use training in classroom management and lesson planning. In Korea, I would have a lot more responsibility than here. And I still need to figure out if teaching is in my future. I feel very comfortable admitting that I love working with kids and being in a classroom so I think teaching might be coming into my future. But I still want to explore journalism further despite the fact that print journalism is having a really rough time in the economy right now.

This past weekend, we went on a spectacular hike from Soller to Deia that lasted pretty much all day on Saturday with a group of 16 couch surfers. It was a bunch of fun and we got to meet a lot of cool people who live on Mallorca. The views were soul lifting and I felt pretty awesome about getting outside and doing some more island exploring. Every time we are able to leave Palma and get outside, I fall a bit more in love with life here.

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